Company profiling

Get your company seen by potential clients

Refer companies to profile with us and earn

With the current situation, companies need to increase their reach more than ever. Digital Adverts Ltd has provided a solution to profile companies.

What will a profiled company entail?

What will feature on the App;

  1. Name.
  2. Location.
  3. Contact details.
  4. Business activities.
  5. Names of partners and founders.
  6. History Goals.
  7. Product and service details: Like previous performances, Vision, Mission

The cost implication and duration

The basic period to feature on our platform is 1 year. The first 100 companies that will profile with us will pay UGX 1M and feature on our platform for more 6 months free after the expiry of the contract. Within that 1 year, the client can change/edit the information on the App.

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