Premium membership


Digital Adverts premium members club

🌟 Unlock a World of Benefits with Our Premium Membership! 🌟

Are you ready to take your experience to the next level? Upgrade to our Premium Membership today and open the door to a treasure trove of exclusive perks and premium features!
Premium membership

When do we start acquiring Premium Membership?

You can start acquiring Premium Membership on 11th-Oct-2023 at midnight, and the promotion will run up to the 30th-Nov-2023.

138 spots left

How do I become one?

To become a Premium member, an amount of Ugx 1,100,000 or Kes 44,000 is required.


What You Get with Premium Membership.
0.1% on every activation globally
0.1% residual income on every monthly subscription globally
0.1% on every digital shop/store first payment globally
0.1% on every digital shop/store monthly rent globally
Premium membership badge
Lifetime membership
You're one of 200 exclusive members worldwide

What are you waiting for? Download the Digital Ads app to start earning today