Global share

Own a part of Digital Adverts Ltd!!!

Own a part of Digital Adverts Ltd. Now you can!!!

Today Digital Adverts Ltd makes 2 years in existence. Our members are the heart and soul of this company. Without you, we wouldn't be where we are today.
We want to reward you for your hard work and dedication. And we believe that sharing company shares with you is the best way to do that. We've put together a plan to distribute 2% company shares, to all our dedicated and hardworking members.

How does it work?

Each member will receive a percentage of shares based on their level of earning activity in the company.
Starting 15th-Apr-2023, all your earnings from all products on the platform will accumulate in points on your account, which can be tracked on the Global shares section under promotions.
When you accumulate a total of 10,000 personal points and 90,000 team points, you automatically qualify as a global shareholder.

How do I benefit?

Every year when we hold our annual general meeting, all shareholders will be invited to take part in it and partake of their dividends.
So what are you waiting for? Earn your way to ownership of Digital Adverts Ltd. Now you can!!!

*Terms & conditions apply*

What are you waiting for? Download the Digital Ads app to start earning today