Country directors list

Fully approved and authorised Digital Adverts Ltd country directors list

Country directors list

Digital Adverts Ltd American Samoa

Martin Musinguzi

Country director for American Samoa


Call: 0758362784

Digital Adverts Ltd American Samoa
Digital Adverts Ltd Uganda

Waliggo Leilah Nuulu

Country director for Uganda

You have probably been at school for a quarter of your life, worked hard at a job you don't like but are still complaining at the end of every month. If you're tired of that vicious cycle, I invite you to join our team at Digital Ads Ltd Mubende branch. Let's not downgrade our dreams just to fit the current reality. Let's upgrade our mindsets to match our true destiny.

Call: 256703297234

Digital Adverts Ltd Uganda
Digital Adverts Ltd Kenya

Leonard Odhiambo

Country director for Kenya

When investment becomes your habit, financial freedom becomes your lifestyle. Let's join Digital Adverts Ltd Kenya.

Call: 254759978748

Digital Adverts Ltd Kenya

What are you waiting for? Download the Digital Ads app to start earning today